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Microneedling with PRF

Microneedling with PRF

Why is microneedling with PRF beneficial?

  • Corrects facial volume loss naturally 
  • Rejuvenates the skin
  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Reduces signs of aging (wrinkles, fine lines, loose skin)
  • Reduces acne scars and pore sizes
  • Improves overall skin texture
  • Decreases hyperpigmentation

Microneedling with PRF injections may be injected in the following areas:

How does EZGEL microneedling stimulate facial rejuvenation?

EZGEL is 100 % natural. It is the combination of your own bloods seroalbumin and growth factors. The human body naturally produces certain proteins and growth factors to heal itself when necessary. The PRF microneedling process uses these proteins and growth factors in your own blood, to naturally stimulate and maximize the regenerative process producing increased collagen production, improved overall skin texture, decreased pore sizes and acne scarring, decreased hyperpigmentation and overall skin rejuvenation.

How long does this procedure take?

Approximately 1 hr 15 minutes

What is EZGEL PRF injections?

EZGEL is obtained from your own blood sample. This is achieved by a simple blood draw. The blood is then mixed using a centrifuge which creates plasma. The plasma then goes through a heating and cooling process creating “natural filler” without any chemicals or additives. This process is 100% natural, safe & effective.

Is EZGEL microneedling/injections for everyone?

EZGEL microneedling & injections are well tolerated by most patients. As it is 100% natural and free of all chemicals, it’s the safest microneedling gel on the market free of chemicals and derivatives.

Microneedling with PRF FAQ’s

No exercise for 24 hours.

Although you will have redness in the treated areas you can return to work or scheduled activities.

Avoid direct sun exposure for two weeks after treatment. Always apply SPF to avoid any post procedure hyperpigmentation. Also, avoid any abrasive facial products containing retinols or acidic active ingredients for 2 weeks.

Microneedling with/without injections is very tolerable. The strongest prescription grade topical numbing creme is used for ultimate numbing effects and comfort.


Yes! Post procedure your skin will appear red and blood on the face may be apparent. This is indicative of a great procedure. Redness is to be expected for several days, but decreases significantly day by day.

Apply hydrating creme/moisturizer without any abrasive additives for two weeks. For optimal results you should hydrate at least twice daily and as needed if the skin feel dry/flaky. Growth factor serum is also an excellent treatment modality after microneedling. Both products can be purchased in office.

Microneedling is recommended to be done 3-6 times per year, 30 days apart depending on skin condition and underlying reason for treatment. Anyone will benefit from microneedling.

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